Time, Just for Me!


No matter where you are in your life, career girl, newly wed, new mom, mom of teens, empty nester or retired, you need time all to yourself! 

You need to escape the chaos of your world, your day.  Even if it is just for a short thirty minutes before everyone gets up, sit down have a cup of coffee and enjoy the quiet.  Go out on your porch or patio, stroll through your garden, sit in the barn with the cows, and take the time your time.  Take a deep breath, relax, clear your mind and listen to the quiet. 

This is so important in our crazy go, go world of noise and back-to-back meetings.  This is your time; don’t feel that you have to share it with anyone.   

As Hugh Hefner said “Life is too short to be living somebody else’s dream.” So create your own…

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Time, Just for Me!

No matter where you are in your life, career girl, newly wed, new mom, mom of teens, empty nester or retired, you need time all to yourself! 

You need to escape the chaos of your world, your day.  Even if it is just for a short thirty minutes before everyone gets up, sit down have a cup of coffee and enjoy the quiet.  Go out on your porch or patio, stroll through your garden, sit in the barn with the cows, and take the time your time.  Take a deep breath, relax, clear your mind and listen to the quiet. 

This is so important in our crazy go, go world of noise and back-to-back meetings.  This is your time; don’t feel that you have to share it with anyone.   

As Hugh Hefner said “Life is too short to be living somebody else’s dream.” So create your own dream by taking “Me Time”.  Life is short and you need to stop the crazy noise even if it is just for a short amount of time every day.   

I get up early most mornings just to have time all to myself, and then I am ready for my crazy day. 

Take a deep breath and smell the coffee!  

If I Could Start Over

If I could start over once again what would I do?  Well I would travel.   I would see as much of the world as I could before I settled down.  This takes money you say.  Yes, yes it does, but you could work your way around the world.  Would could work in small stores that cater to travelers from the countries that speak your language.  You would write and contribute to a travel magazine.  You could do any job that allows you to work from what ever location you are in at the moment, and there are many of those.

So don’t just sit back and let the world pass you by.  No matter what your age, get out there and travel, whether it is local or the world.


Pain is something we all have to some degree.  Most of us hide it behind a smile, but it doesn’t mean it’s not there.  I am in pain every day but choose not to talk about it or to share it with others.

The reason others and I hide our pain is because unless you also have pain then you will just roll your eyes and think, “She just wants attention”.   This is true to some degree in some people but most people in pain choose to just smile and go on with their lives

If you are in pain, seek help from a specialist, but be prepared to do something about the pain.  It won’t go away by itself, and maybe it will never fully go away.

Don’t complain, do something about it.


My Eye to the Sky

Have you ever gotten bogged down with everyday life?  Do you ever have this nagging thought in the back of your head that there is something you should be doing, something missing from your life?  Are you frustrated with what you are currently doing?

That is how I felt.  I kept asking myself, where am I going?  What am I doing?  I was frustrated with my current path.  So as I was saying this is how I felt until I took a flight with my husband in his airplane.

I don’t fly very often, as I get air sick, and I am NOT going to be the one that ruins his beautiful vintage Cessna 140.  I felt a knot in my stomach as we took off, my brain kept saying “don’t get sick”.  As we slowly climbed above the desert floor my mind became consumed with the diverse images I was seeing.  Things you never see when you are standing on the ground.

When you think of Arizona, you think desert, dry dirt.  Well what I was seeing was farmland, carved out of the desert, that was green and thriving.  Then I looked toward the mountains we were flying to and saw the dry washes, the small streams that had the spring run off from the mountains.  Then the majestic mountains themselves!  The shadows and colors from the air are so different then when you are standing on the ground.  Varying shades of slate gray merging into charcoal and then to the black of the mountains. Dark brown that turned into dusty browns and greens near the small streams that winked back at you in the diamonds of the flowing water.

At that point I realized my frustrations were of my own making and there was a whole world in front of me I never explored.   When we landed I knew my new path would be different, I knew what I wanted to do, accomplish.  Now it is just a matter of one foot in front of the other with my eye to the sky.


You Should Have Been Born With a Manual!

When I was born there should have been a rather large manual lying in the crib beside me at the hospital.  You know, a manual that explains what is coming and what you may or may not need to do about it.

Did anyone ever explain the art of putting on your socks?  Do you put them both on then your shoes or the left sock and left shoe then the right or should it be the right sock, shoe and then the left?  Things like that were never explained.  Why?

Since life’s mysteries still haunt me every day, I thought I would give it a try and create my “Life Manual”.  Here are just a few things I think should be included.

Dentist:  Mom would tell me to clean my teeth every day but would only say they would rot out if I didn’t.  She left out the fact that if I didn’t there would be an ensuing visit to the dentist, which would then bring me unbelievable pain not to mention the hygienist from hell that lectured you and extracted great joy in the pain she was inflecting on you.  Yes, I had a hygienist just like that and I requested that she never touch my teeth again.

School:  Yes school was/is necessary, but they could have made it a lot more fun.  Maybe I would have learned more. Your lessons should apply to every day living and math word problems should be banned from every math class.

Chores:  This is to be avoided.  Not only are chores not fun but also according to my Mom I never did them correctly so why even go there.  Even as an adult, all chores should be avoided no matter what.  Every house should be self-cleaning and clean clothes should fold themselves. Dust should be against the law.

Sharing: There were five of us growing up together and if you didn’t learn to share there were lots of fights and tears.  Sharing became an art form.  If you REALLY wanted something you pretended it wasn’t important so your sister didn’t want it too!  I have learned, even as an adult, this is true.

Love:  Love is not sex.  Love comes in many forms.  Love of family, love of pets, romantic love, love of chocolate, self love (very necessary in life).  Follow not only your heart in life, by your head, and you will be ok.

Hate:  Hating someone or something is not worth the time and effort.  Love is so much more rewarding.  And if love is not possible, walk away with your head held high.

Bugs:  There are good bugs and bad bugs.  Creepy bugs and cute bugs, but all of them are necessary to our environment.  I had to learn to get over my fear of bugs with my oldest son, he loved bugs and loved to collect them.  So if you don’t like bugs, avoid them or pretend they’re not there.

Deal with it:  Life is not always fair so make the best of it.  Learn, grow, and learn some more.  If life deals you lemons, make lemon meringue pie!

Breast: They are never the size (naturally) that you want them.  Men make too big of a deal about this area on a woman.  If they are too big our backs and shoulders hurt, men of course don’t understand this.  If they are small, why is it men think they can embarrass us about this? Guys, grow up!  Women are beautiful!

Death of a pet:  To me the death of a pet is like loosing part of my family.  They love you unconditionally.  You loved them; you cared for them and you morn them.

Death of family:  This is one of the hardest things I have ever dealt with, death.  I lost my Grandparents, my Father-in-law and my Mother-in law.  The hardest was loosing my Dad, my heart is broken and I feel I will never get use to him being gone.  The hurt gets less with time, but I miss them each and every day.

What do you want to be when you grow up? I wanted to be a cowgirl, then a teacher like my cousin Emily Jackson; she was my fourth grade teacher.  I am still trying to figure out what I want to be when I grow up. As I grow I learn and change and that is fun.

Do you conform or do you boldly strike out alone:  This is one you need to figure out for yourself.  Research, learn, and decide.  Never stop learning.

Do you have any items you want to add to my life list?  Please comment, would love to know what you think!!!!

Age, It’s Just a Number

Age should never be measured in years or aches and pains.  It should, however, be measured in how you feel about yourself. 

I am, as a friend pointed out to me, “Nine years older than dirt!”.  Now to me that is OLD, yet I still feel like a kid at times.   I feel like I can do anything and yes my body does point out to me at times that “NO you can’t”.  But I continue to do things other people my age have given up doing. 

I have learned a lot over the years.  Grown and made my share of mistakes and I know my age in numbers but I feel young and alive.  I have so much I want to do in my life and look forward to many more years on this earth.  I want to go to Paris, zip line in Costa Rica and see my grandsons again in Germany! 

Age is only a number; so don’t let it stop you from doing great and wonderful things.   

Life is what you make of it; don’t let a mere number stop you.


What is Family?

Webster’s Dictionary defines a family as, “a group of persons of common ancestry”.  Ancestry means blood relative.  That is not how I define the people that are my family.

Adrian Body said, “Family isn’t just about whose blood runs through your veins.  It’s about who never left your side, stood up for you and believed in you.”

For me some of my truest family members aren’t related to me by blood.  They are my family because they believe in me and they love all my quirks and me.  Family is a person or persons that stand beside you no matter what.  You don’t need to have the same likes or the same visions.  Family understands that you are dear to them and they will support you in your decisions.

A true family “member” laughs along with your jokes even if they are stupid and they hold you and allow you to cry when something goes wrong.  They are always there to comfort you, even across the miles.  They are there for you because they love you.

Family members come in all shapes and sizes.  They are black, white, and gray, purple.  They have skin and they have fur.  Their love and understanding have no limits.

“True friends and a loving family should always stand with you no matter what. ” Unknown


Dementia is Cruel

Dementia is a horrible disease; it takes away your memories and your dignity.  The fight, through years of dementia, is not only hard on the patient, but also for the caregiver and the family.  My father fought dementia for several years and finally left this earth for his second journey.

If you know of a person who is a caregiver for a family member, give them a call, give them a hug and send them a card telling them you love them.  They are also being torn apart by dementia and need all the support they can get.

Daddy has started on his new journey and is no longer hurting or confused.  Love you Daddy

It’s My Mind

I believe in speaking what is on my mind.  I am bluntly honest and sometimes say things I shouldn’t.  With that in mind I will go forward with this blog to speak of the things I love and those things that bother me. Hope you enjoy what I have to say and I love feedback.